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 SoftScape Collection 


coated foam

Pieces of furniture covered in an outer skin, that’s what we call it. It’s a soft plastic material that covers the muscles and skeletons that are blocks of technological foam that were to going to be discarded and now form part of an almost eternal piece of furniture.

At a glance you can appreciate their toughness. Up close you see a smooth, compact, uniform exterior. Closed cells that cannot be pierced. Ideal for all climates and uses. Tap, squeeze or step on them. They’re soft. After adapting to your shape they return to their original form. Spill something on them and you’ll find they’re easy to clean.

coated foam a

coated foam b

© MD3 Contract Ltd.   847 940 7072

412 Kelburn Rd. Suite 312, Deerfield, Il 60015 USA

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